Clearing the backlog

I'm back again! I'm trying to get in the habit of posting at least once a week. I'm also tying to get out there shooting on the streets once a week as well. I've convinced the boss to give me two days off in a row so I'm not burnt out on my only day off and not having any time to 'recoup' before pursuing anything else that interests me.

I'm really considering getting a Fujifilm X100S. I missed out on the X100 because about two years ago, when I first started getting into cameras, I was under the impression that it was all about the lenses. The lens will give you the best quality and your pictures will look the best in the world! Oh how wrong I was... But that chapter is long gone and I wish I'd listen to friends advice. I'd probably write more on that subject later on.
But this consideration of purchasing a new camera is actually one of the main reasons why I've been bothered to start up this blog and edit my photos. I'm pretty inspired by the design of the camera and also the potential in the image quality and rendering of colours. It almost has that unique film look to the images. I'll be checking out the camera at my local camera house tomorrow and make the decision in the next couple of days. I have been eyeing this camera for a good month now.

What I've done since my last post was slowing going through all the photos I've taken in the last 6 months and edit them. Right now, I'm only tweaking the colours and converting some (most) of my images to black and white. They may not be the greatest final products but at this very moment, I'm quite happy with what I've done to 'enhance' my photographs. I'll most likely be looking for some tutorials in the near future as I'm nowhere near happy to my ability in Lightroom. It is a bit overwhelming with the amount of tutorials on the net though. I guess I'll just have to sift through it. I may even post the ones I do like as a reference point to anyone who comes across my blog.

Who knows.

Matthew Lee




Future Chef

The fighter

Cheese man

It's a tree



Urban snake

Not your typical princess








Untitled Mattt Lee Photography


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